asked in Technical problem by (200 points)

Product Code: BP-VG4090GXH


The thread of the spacers on the die side are very fragile, one of them is dead, I cannot tighten correctly on the die side of the gpu.

Would it be possible to have a set of spare parts, spacers and tightening screws also just in case, at my expense of courseThis parts and screws.

6 Answers

answered by (115k points)
Dear Customer,

Would you send us the receipt for this water block?
We will check and reply to you by email.
answered by (200 points)
I hanswered directly to the email received, is that good?
commented by (115k points)
Yes, thank you.
answered by (180 points)

I replied right away to the email I received. Is it ok?

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answered by (140 points)

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answered by (140 points)

You can request a set of extra parts, including spacers and tightening screws, and indicate that you're willing to pay the fee. snow road game

answered by (180 points)

Hello! I understand the issue with the fragile spacers on the die side. Could you please provide a set of spare parts, including spacers and tightening screws, at my expense? Thank you!

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